Thursday, November 1, 2012


Grieving in Christ is like walking through the Red Sea.  The past is gone.  The future is unknown. The present is full of God's grace and strength... His wonders!  But the through is inescapable.

When Moses led the Israelites through the Red Sea (Ex 15), they could not go back to all that their life used to be.  Nor could they see what was ahead.  In time of crisis they cried out!  But God had already made a way.  He had led them there.  And when the enemies pursued and the way ceased, God lifted the waters to rise up around them.  What a miracle!

But they walked through.  Were they afraid?  Did they worry that the invisible walls might give way, the heavy sea water crashing down upon their heads, the heads of their children, a whole people never to be seen again?  Did their wagons break and their legs tire as they moved along the bottom?  What was it like for them in the through?

God does so much work in me during the through parts of my journey.  Walking through requires such faith, patience, endurance, and trust.  It requires me to put one foot in front of the other, to co-operate with the work of God's wonders and His all-sufficient grace, to rely on His pure kindness.

In every day their lies a step.  One step through this journey I walk.  Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. I will fear no evil for He is with me.  (Ps 23:4-5)

In every situation, no matter how dark it may be, He has set before me life... Now choose life! (Deut 30:15)

It is one step.  One step in each and every day.  One choice in each and every moment, every situation of our lives...

Position yourself towards glory.  Point your feet towards life.

He has set before you life.  Choose life in the through.


  1. The Lord has imparted such wisdom to you. I love to just sit, read, drink in God's promises and provisions for you.

  2. Beautiful deep refreshing challenging Word from the Lord! Thank-you for these anointed words of life that will ring true for every reader. Shalom :-) xoxo

  3. Amen, Natasha! Going THROUGH...
